Applicazione dell’abrasivo al granato nel campo automobilistico

Application of Garnet Abrasive in Automobile Field
At present, the number of cars is constantly refreshing new data. Cars are a convenient means of transportation. Many families have their own cars, but the next topic is a connection between cars and our natural emery. Many people have Maybe you don’t know much about it. Next, I will introduce the application of natural emery in the automotive field.

  Automobile parts can be said to have different shapes, and the materials generally use relatively hard materials. With the rapid development of waterjet technology, waterjets have been widely used in the cutting and special-shaped processing of parts. Natural emery is a high-quality abrasive for sanding waterjets, and it has an important influence on the quality of auto parts.

   The high-quality natural emery is added to the water jet, which can ensure the perfect cutting quality of the workpiece, without the need for secondary treatment. Garnet sand can not only save production costs as a whole, but also cut 30% faster than similar products, and the cutting surface is smooth and vertical.

  Natural emery can be said to be a high-quality abrasive material with a wide range of uses. It has a wide range of applications in many aspects, especially in sandblasting and water cutting. Because the car body is exposed to the air for a long time, some uncoated surfaces are prone to oxide scale, rust and other pollutants, so they must be sandblasted before coating.

The garnet sand of Rizhao Garnet Mining Co., Ltd. can easily reach the sandblasting standard of SA3. Our garnet sand can not only remove impurities, but also produce a certain degree of roughness to allow the coating and the substrate to better bond, thereby extending The service life improves the product quality.

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